AMERAT  - Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Redwings Aptitude Test

AMERAT - Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Redwings Aptitude Test

विमान तकनीकी प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, भोपाल, म. प्र.


AMERAT is the national level entrance exam to offer admission in various aviation courses in India. AMERAT motivates and guides students having an interest in the aviation sector to choose the best career option for them. AMERAT offers admission in license, graduation, diploma & degree courses. AMERAT offers attractive scholarship to qualified students.

Flight Safety in aviation is the prime requirement. As the aviation market is growing rapidly, we need a huge number of skilled manpower acquainted with better technical & maintenance skills. Aircraft Engineers are technically skilled people who are responsible for the design, development, research, maintenance, inspection, repair and modification of aircraft and systems. Aircraft Maintenance Engineers are responsible for maintenance of aircraft and finally certifying the aircraft airworthy for operational flying. Aeronautical and Aerospace engineers are trained to design, modify and equip aircraft with the latest technology which will assist pilots during flight operations.

As per career perspective, AME and pilot license has a bright opportunity in future. The growing aviation sector along with Government schemes requires a large number of skilled PILOTS & AME for transporting civilians, the army, private and commercial products, or other types of cargo. AME and Technical support staff engaged in various roles as AME's our eyes and ears for the pilot and perform various operations at the maintenance Practice.

The aviation industry requires a large number of maintenance and operation staff to manage various activities of the airport like air traffic control, providing information & assisting passengers. In the aviation market, there is a huge opportunity in every segment of the aviation industry.



AMERAT is developed in the Laravel PHP framework

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  2. Email verification
  3. Form submission
  4. Email notifications
  5. Razorpay payment gateway for accepting Registration fee
  6. Admin panel
  7. Google analytics in Admin Panel
  8. and all the require pages


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