Mysqlclient error in python Microsoft visual C++ 14.0 is required
A simple and efficient way to solve mysqlclient error. i don't know why are you facing this problem but I gonna tell you my issue and also tell you how to fix it.
It's been a long maybe a year ago we are taking python training and learning about database so we all (me and my friends) are installing mysqlclient in our system but unfortunately, some of us are facing this mysqlclient issue that Microsoft visual c++ 14.0 is required.
we check our system and we found that we already have Microsoft visual c++ 14.0 is our pc
then what's the issue with us?
okay so let me tell you...
before this make sure that you have Microsoft visual c++ 14.0 is your pc.
The problem that we are facing is that we all have a 64-bit windows operating system and installed python 32-bit in it.
that it !!
we uninstalled python 32-bit and installed a 64-bit setup in our system and again try to install mysqlclient and it is successfully installed.